KafkaEsque - Change Log
Released 2018-11-25
## [0.11.0]
### Added
- info/describe option on topics
- option to create topics from a template yaml
- Support for String headers
### Changed
- internal topics are now displayed in the topic list
- Exception causing the formating Error when using the "Format JSON" button is displayed in the corresponding textArea
- Controls leading to a ConcurrentModification Exception on the Consumer are now disabled while a Background Task is executed
### Fixed
- NPE when using Format JSON without selecting a message
0000006: [Feature Request] Header Support (patschuh) 0000002: [Improvement] Popup bei JSON Formatierungsfehler 0000003: [Bug] NullPointerException wenn man JSON formatieren will, aber kein Record ausgewählt hat (patschuh) 0000004: [Feature Request] Topic Management mit YAML Konfig (patschuh) 0000007: [Improvement] Get current topic Config 0000005: [Improvement] Löschen der falschen / obsoleten Broker Configs über die GUI (patschuh)### Added
- info/describe option on topics
- option to create topics from a template yaml
- Support for String headers
### Changed
- internal topics are now displayed in the topic list
- Exception causing the formating Error when using the "Format JSON" button is displayed in the corresponding textArea
- Controls leading to a ConcurrentModification Exception on the Consumer are now disabled while a Background Task is executed
### Fixed
- NPE when using Format JSON without selecting a message
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